crazy awesome
I wish I could paint that well, but I'm not that great XP
really nice WIP pics, did you draw the murals and such on the rhino with pencil and just fill it in? thats what it looks like to me and if it works I might try it myself
crazy awesome
I wish I could paint that well, but I'm not that great XP
really nice WIP pics, did you draw the murals and such on the rhino with pencil and just fill it in? thats what it looks like to me and if it works I might try it myself
did it with a white paint not pencil :P... and basicly just worked my way over the top of it...
I don't know where to start
As it is your ultramarines paintjob is amazing!
your highlighting is commendable, the lighting used on the armor, it even looks like you used non metalic metal!
and the freehand on the rhino makes me speechless
my one problem, and its not that bad, are the models themselves. I can't stand the black reach models and they're statuesque poses, but besides them, everything else is amazing!
you are also awesome for putting fire on the dreadnought :D
i did try to use NMM... im still working on improving the quality and realisticness of it... i will upload a better picture of the rhino so you can see all the details... including the inside and the neon lights i painted on the underside :3...
i found the models from the black reach box set good for sorting out squads easy... as they have gold arrows on the shoulder pad... athough i did also paint the backpacks gold trimmed for squad two... i do understand what your saying though...
and yes... they are multi melters on the dread... but i put flames to make it a heavy flamer... *also note the "blowtorch" effect* i tried to do :3...
going to try a master piece of artwork when i have time for gold deamon :3
its good
either thats a very small zoanthrope or thats a very big skull :P
either way its really nice, like the sketched style
well its 40k so, a giant skull
its good
I think the right hand looks good,but for me the right leg looks awkward.......still its good and I like it
and when I say right I mean me left and the drawing's right ;)
haha alright
and thanks for clarifying which side too!
well I like 40k
and I like orks too!
nice job,and I haven't seen a lot of warhammer stuff on enwgrounds,so its nice to see every little thing that gets on here
I just started 40k actually, i have 499 points of tyranids painted
thank you for the nine
I like to connect with others, and I'm also very into video games, comic books, painting miniatures, and metal music (I like other genres too) Feel free to hit me up for anything.
Age 31, Male
University of California, Sant
Santa Cruz, California
Joined on 10/17/07