essentially, I'm a no one on newgrounds, but if anyone finds this, please leave a comment just to help.....there's a girl at my school.... and... well, I've tried so hard to tell her how I feel, but I got shot down in flames....... (whimper) <a nd I'd like to thank everyone who commented, it really cheered me up, JAN-17-08>
hey ... I knew this won't help you but ... you must say it to her ... you can use many ways : a letter, an email, a "sms" .. but the best way is to say it to her directly... you must pass her when she is alone. than tell her your feelings...
It's the best way.
You can trust me and .. if she don't like you too ... don't be a fol and become emo ore somthing like this, ok?
Ther are enught girls on this earth .. and there are more on terra ^^
Ps.: W40k RULZ! - The Chaos will destroy you! Muhahahahah *evil lough*
excouse my worst english... I am german. No I am not a NAZI!
TAUfanatic (Updated )
thanks, I actually got an e-mail from her,( she didn't want to embarrass me) and since you metioned chaos, khorne is my favorite power, and I didn't say, ( or automatically think) you're a nazi.