I still miss that girl, as a friend though. As the girl I had feelings for I'm trying to forget her, as a friend I hope I might see her again someday and that she's doing well...
I'm talking to this girl I liked from last year,I don't want to get into a relationship or anything,not now anyways, but I'm hoping it'll take my mind off of my friend...
so many things are confusing right now...I'm hoping things will get better for everyone
i suppose that's good, but, just advice, try not to get all stuck on the last girl. hell, i mean, i'd feel that way too if this happened to me, but if you seriously feel you're not gonna see her again, you need to move on.
if she asks you, via myspace or something, what's up relationwise, dont be afraid to tell her what's actually happening.
i guess what i'm trying to say is, do what you can with the current one.
god. now i'm confused at what's happening.
thanks for the advice...
I should've put names here so as not to confuse people :/
I feel to lazy to edit it right now