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Age 31, Male


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this may be as emotional as I'll get on here

Posted by TAUfanatic - December 1st, 2009

well,there was a friend of mine her name was monica
I met her freshman year in health class,one day we started talking and things were cool.At some point things for me grew and I started to like her

summer vacation I was trying to hang outwith her,go out on a date or anything,then I had a dumbass friend who told her I liked her and I was sure I was screwed,I was wrong and at registration she said hi to me,she could've just igored me but she chose not to,things were cool

sophmore year I was still trying to get to know her better,I hung out with her and her friends and I was cooler with her.I finally decided it was time to ask her out.....

Lately she hasn't been to school lately and I was getting worried for her,is she sick? did something happen? the last time I saw her was on tuesday last week and I was about to ask her out she told me she already had plans,I told her it was allright and I said bye........that was the last time I saw her

today I just found out she moved to mexico,her family couldn't afford their house so they got kicked out and are now with their cousins......I don't know if I should be angry at her for not telling me after she knew I had feelings for her,or to breeak down and cry since I haven't felt that way for a girl in a long time.......I loved her

now she's gone and I don't know what to do.........


man...that must suck. at least you had the balls to admit to the person you liked 'em. not my case...
well, do you know her cell number or somethin related? if you do, you could call her. anywhere else you have her as a friend? facebook, myspace?

her cell doesn't work anymore,I can still talk to her on myspace but its not the same as talking to her in person...
thanks man

haha yeah i know how you feel man i was in the friendzone for 2 years so just in case it happens again:<a href="http://ismellarat.newgrounds.com/news/post/409002">http://ismellarat.newgrounds.com/news /post/409002</a>

I looked through it thanks,it'll help me another time

well, can you talk to her? or (as old as this may be) send her a letter if you have her address but not her computer info

if you cant find a way to talk to her, it may be tough, but you might have to let go

if someone walks out of you life, let them walk
don't keep your dreams flowing
its better to wake up, than to sleep forever
if you stay asleep, than a new dream could pass you by,
and a new love could be lost

im sorry she left, and im sorry for sounding...mean? but she might not have been "the one"
i thought i was in love, and that i would stay with him forever.
he left me, im still sad about it, and because i can't force him away from my thoughts, i still haven't found more happiness

its getting better, so you will too ^_^

I know what your trying to say,its not mean.its also what I'm trying to do but this just hit me today so I'm gonna need some time...
thanks though

you are welcome. you should try to ask her in a nonchalant way if she has a new house or cell phone.

I may just try....

Im sorry TAUfanatic you should have told got out of the friend zone before its too late by asking her out.

actually I don't think I was too far into the friend zone,I just asked at the last minute and didn't even realize it

I sorta know how you feel, pretty much the same happened to me, but, it was to Canada :_(

knowing someone else knows how you feel has to be a really good feeling,at least I';mnot the only one with that problem,thanks and sorry for you :)