I like to connect with others, and I'm also very into video games, comic books, painting miniatures, and metal music (I like other genres too) Feel free to hit me up for anything.

Age 31, Male


University of California, Sant

Santa Cruz, California

Joined on 10/17/07

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lyrics to an awesome (and crazy) song I heard

Posted by TAUfanatic - December 6th, 2008

the song is "Io" by Project Pitchfork,(electronica/industrial)
wish I could include a video or a link but I couldn't find any...D:

so here's the song as followed,

"sitting on the beach looking at the nightsky
I've seen the news today where will it finally end?
do I really have to follow? follow them on their self-destructive path?
there is a compulsion that makes me do things I don't want to do
I don't want to do...
and this conflict with its contradictory poles rules my life
rules my life...
rules my life....
rules my life.....
rules my life!

back and forth right and wrong
forced to something far too long
break out
back and forth right and wrong
far too long
back and forth right and wrong
forced to something far too long
break out
back and forth right and wrong
far too long

a moon of the 5th as a symbol for human kind
glowing by the presence of two
glowing by the presence of two...
the wonder of love reduced to a function of hormones
the wonder of life reduced to a reaction of instincts
the wonder of belief misused for power!
for power....
the blindness of both
as an answer to the separation of one!
science in its contempt religion in its selfishness
the origin of both neglected of both
the origin of both negelcted of both
of both......

back and forth right and wrong
forced to something far to long
break out
back and forth right and wrong
far too long
back and forth right and wrong
forced to something far too long
break out
back and forth right and wrong
far too long

back and forth right and wrong
forced to something far too long
break out
back and forth right and wrong
far too long

why should someone who sees follow the blind ones?"


Ah, The tau.

Lots of good games with them.


once killed a terminator in close combat with one O.O
tru story

Hmmm, I've surprisingly never heard of Project Pitchfork, have they gone mainstream yet?

Also, how have you been doing, I haven't heard from you in a while.

their a techno (or something else) band from germany,they're pretty big over there,not as big here

and yeah it has been a while,I blame myspace and computer problems,but I've been doing pretty good,how about you?

Oh well my situation hasn't changed much, Christmas came and went and I'm still pretty content with my life. How'd things go with that girl?

ugh....long story....sorry but I don't feel like explaining,but I did one last post of the two of us,I'll send u a link