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Age 31, Male


University of California, Sant

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Joined on 10/17/07

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A chronicle....

Posted by TAUfanatic - October 2nd, 2008

of me and a girl that was once special to me....

lately she's been on my mind and I feel like I should mention her...

In the begining of 8th grade I met a girl,named Laura,she didn't seem so special to me at all,

I was wrong

one day in 1st period the two of us started talking,
then everyday we would talk...
eventually the two of us becae friends and I got to know her better everyday
then one day she had to move seats,I still talked to her,just not as much as before...

I was talking to a friend of mine,(who was a close friend of her's) and everyday I'd say "Damn dude...I miss talking to Laura" until one day,my friend finally said to me,"dude....I think you like her"

the thought of me liking some girl was pretty much bull to me,cause at the time I had been thinking that relationships are a waste of time

I was wrong again....

one day I couldn't take it anymore and I just asked her out,and unfortunatle she said no....

though luckily for me,it didn't end there,I had managed to get her e-mail and we would still talk everyday...and we actually got closer

more ups and downs would ensue,sometimes she'd encourage me,and sometimes there'd be days where I embarased her,but we were still friends,and she would say hi to me and smile

but then the end of the year came....

I had been hearing her saying some things about me...and they weren't good....I had to finally ask her what she truly felt about me.....

she told me her true feelings and she cared about me as a friend....but she just couldn't see me the way I saw her

last day came,along with the last dance...

I went with my friends as one last time we'd all be together,and Laura was there with her friends...since it was the last time she would see them since she was going to a different high school.....

I had asked her to dance and we did,we had a godd time and afterwards we hugged.....then while I was waitong outside for my ride I could see her driving away.....

we waved each other good bye and it was the last time we saw each other.....

it was over summer vacation I relized I truly loved her,and I had a lot to tink about,y=thanks to her I saw there was more to life than I could see,and that maube a relationship with a special someone may really be worth it.....

now its high school and I thought I was finally over her,but lately I've been seeing girls who look like her ans sound like her....plus her cousin is in one of my classes and everytime she looks at me a oart of me dies inside.....

I know mosst of you may not read this but I have to vent somewhere.....

thank you to all who actually read this

The TAUfanatic


no problem, I hope it works out.

thanks for the words of encouragement dude,but I may have forgotten to mention that she went to a different high school and she lives in a different town....

it will work out don't worry

who knows,maybe we will talk again someday.....

Woah man I know how you feel
That's a really good poem, hell...
this may be a bad time but have u heard ac/dc's new single.
It sounds a lot like "you shook me all night long"

err.....real story....not a poem....

but ya I've heard AC/DC's new single,(in fact I have the album)


Given how easy it is to talk to people online these days, I don't think it would be a terrible idea to find her on myspace or something - at the very least keep e-mail contact with the girl. I'm still friends with people from when I was 5 years old, and I've gone to different schools than them all along. Even now, I'm miles from home and still maintain contact with them. There's no reason that just because you've moved apart physically means you have to cut communication.

Also, there are girls everywhere in highschool. Once you find a good one you'll forget about just about everything before freshman year. If one has you feeling down, it's not hard to get another one in a few months or weeks. Also, freshman year sucks for everybody. Don't get too down on yourself.

Things get even better in college. Freshman tail is easy to get when everyone is living in the same dorm. Than again, I've stayed in a committed relationship, so I've only been seeing it happen. Regardless, don't sweat the small stuff. The further you get from grade school and high school, the less either of them will seem to matter. So don't sweat the small stuff, hang out with your friends and get some good games of 40k in. That's what got me through the living hell that highschool can be.

thanks,wise advice may be what I've really been needing all this time.
I've tried to send e-mails and friend requests but she never replies or accepted the friend requests

so it goes