I like to connect with others, and I'm also very into video games, comic books, painting miniatures, and metal music (I like other genres too) Feel free to hit me up for anything.

Age 31, Male


University of California, Sant

Santa Cruz, California

Joined on 10/17/07

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oh my god ^^

Posted by TAUfanatic - April 18th, 2008

the best happened to me today........

first its like this,my hobby is that I paint these models,I had brought my models to school today to show my friends,anyways there's this girl I like.......I thought she looked particually nice today.....so throughout the day I was checking her out,(which for me is always a good thing =) and around the time we were getting back from lunch,I had asked her if she wanted to see my models....anyway the school day was over and my teacher had given me a cookie,he had this other cookie that the girl I like asked him to save for,my best friend pcnaruto had taken my cookie and ran out with it,I got pissed off and as we went back he reminded a certain girl about her cookie......which therefore reminded her to see my models.......she saw them and well.....SHE LIKED THEM!!! I haven't been that happy since I......well.....I can't think of anything! so afterwards my friend told me what he did and (believe it or not) I actually hugged him........I actually cried out of my happiness..........if you're thinking that my crush is fake,well fuck you allright! my crying should be an indication that this was real.......I am so happy at this moment =)


lmfao!It`s just about a girl,some model thingies,and a cookie.*still laughing*

yup. ^^

I don't get why you are so happy. And what's with the part about cookies?

the cookie is important,if she never remembred the cookie she would have never remembered my models....and I'm happy cuz she likes my models.

Well that's still good, but when you PMed me I thought you meant you guys had sex.... Oh well, this is great, too, I'm happy it's going good for you. I myself am interested in this one girl and so far it's been going pretty good, but I just don't know if I want to take our relationship to the next step or just stay good friends.

uh.....we're 14.....we're too young for sex,if we did have it I'm not going 2 blab it around,its a sacred thing,but yeah things r going better,I'm glad its going good 4 u too!

(I speak from experience....stay friends.....maybe wait until high school to try and get into a relationship......if u 2 will still know each other on high school)

Did you give her your cookie?
I'm confused as hell..
You're happy because she saw your models? eh?

no....but she got hers.....she looked nice eating it......(stalker-moment!!)
2nd person I confused already,oh well.....
yes.......I impressed her too.......^^

Virgin Media Internet Service Provider actually TRYING to stifle the way the Internet works? End of the free internet? Please check out my page for details how this shit is starting to happen.

It begins with models, and ends with love!

yes! ^^



the "well fuck you alright!" part got to me

I put that 4 anyone who doesn't understand my happiness

What were they models of anyway?

my warhammer 40,000 models........my Tau and the one grey knight terminator I have.

Oh just one other little thing ^^
I noticed you asked about a Warhammer MMORPG
Is this one? Or is it simply an ordinary warhammer site?
<a href="http://www.warhammeronline.com/">http://www.warhammeronline.com/</a>

its similar,I was asking if there was going to be one for warhammer 40,000......but age of reckoning does look cool though ^^

Urgh i just spent a good hour or so donating 11500 grains of rice at
<a href="http://www.freerice.com/">http://www.freerice.com/</a>
BTW, Nice to see that you're Tau models are making you more popular with the ladies, now i know what they mean by 'The greater good'

okay......lmfao XD!!!

Yes he was really happy he almost cried :) So yes I hope the same thing happens to me.

well u were there of course you can vouch 4 me.

I was tearing soooooooo much! *sniffles*

Check out my page, I added something you just might like! ;)


its one of their most kickass songs ever ^___^

it was awesome!!!!

Did Spartan204 just RickRoll us?


whats up guy?
doood its been a weird, busy, lame month.
well to me it has ._.

Im good,how r u?

yeah its been slow 4 me lately....

yeah,his month is lame because im not here! XD!!!!


So how's it been going lately?


good shit man but maybe she dont like ur models (i nearly called em ur dolls lol) mayb she jus in2 u an showin intrest in ur hobbies 2 get closa 2 u??? have a think bowt it oh an btw what age do u yanks start high skwl?? over in gd old nz ( not part ov aus!!!) we start high skwl @ the ripe old age ov 13 so 4 use 2 b 14 an still nt b @ h/s seems fucked up 2 me

well I think she meant it,she's not the kind of girl who says things just 2 b nice...but maybe she is trying 2 get closer...that is a possibility...I've noticed she's been looking at me a bit more lately and that she's been friendlier...(=)

we americans start high school around...14 or 15...

ur from new zealand? kewl...sounds a bit fugged up...but we r from different countries and cultures so I wouldn't really know what 2 say.

true story you tellin


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