I like to connect with others, and I'm also very into video games, comic books, painting miniatures, and metal music (I like other genres too) Feel free to hit me up for anything.
Age 31, Male
University of California, Sant
Santa Cruz, California
Joined on 10/17/07
sure is a lot of comments on your page....wow
how about Atomos?(for the space marine thing)
as for you im thinking Charles
.....sounds cool,thanx......and no my names not charlie(whoops I meant charles)
I know your name :D
yes u do.....DON'T let it out!!!
what a pooop cracker
wtf does that mean?
hey isnt there like a game of this?
cuase i thoght i saw like a game or movie about it
warhammer 40,000 has sum spoofs on newgrounds,(remember warhammer:SRM 40,000)
TAUfanatic (Updated )
cool so you got a......DAMN I forgot what it was called
oh wait.....it was "the great unclean one"