Lucius is a chaos who belongs to sllaanesh
I like to connect with others, and I'm also very into video games, comic books, painting miniatures, and metal music (I like other genres too) Feel free to hit me up for anything.
Age 31, Male
University of California, Sant
Santa Cruz, California
Joined on 10/17/07
Lucius is a chaos who belongs to sllaanesh
yes it is,but I got it from space hulk on the playstation
.........."battle-brother Fredicus......." it sounds better,I'll give u that.......wait,where'd u come up with fred anyway? is that you're real name?
nope one of my chaos marines is named Fred
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMFAO!!! idk i just made it up but now my butt came off as u see in ta beginning of tis message XD
okay then.............(UPDATE.....OH!!
!!! now I get it......wait.....I thought I I lost it)
What chapter do you whant the names for?
I'm planning 2 do a grey knights army sumtime.....and they have these little,(ok maybe not little) banners on their left shoulder pads which you're supposed 2 put there name.. that's the chapter I want it for......(that and since I'm a HUGE nerd,I can give all my friends and I space marine names.......naah just kidding,lol)
grey knights are pretty cool I like dark angkes better thougth
grey knights are awesome!!!! Dark Angels are cool too
i Mean Dark Angels
i know.....I like the Dark Angels for their mysteriuosness.......(why the frag would they wear robes into battle.....CAUSE THEY'RE BAD-ASS!!!!!!..........just not as much as the Grey Knights.)
Krone Is the Badass of 40k
khorne is my favorite chaos god
I ment Khorne(my spelling is way off today sorry)
don't worry about it.......actually......i think u should check the list again....... :)
Nurgle is pretty cool i like zombies
nurgle is cool too........I love Khorne,but I'd rather follow's safer that way
the only chaos god i dont like is Slaanesh
slaanesh is homo-erotic
i was bored, and i wasnt trying. at all.
you're welcome.
punk -_-
what did I do?
you didnt do anything Thomas.
okay name is not Thomas......the tank engine
what ever you say Richard.....what ever you say.....
WtF is warhammer 4000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000 (I may of added too many zero's.)
9not richard eithera) and since you asked......warhammer 40,000(or 40k for short) is a tabletop wargame where you battle your army against another person's army......basically you use these models u buy in a box,you assemble them and you paint them.......when your not eradicating troops on the battlefield.........its a very relaxing hobby. (and all those zeros might be neccasary)
Thank you for the very useless yet intersting information. Everyone should have a relaxing hobby or something they could just chill to. Am I right Michael?
yes,it is very useless(but in fact very interesting).........I am so relaxed when I paint my models......(i just get all hyped up when I'm kicking ass while I play or pissed when I lose) its not michael either
AHH! Damn you Scuba Steve! XD
have you seen Big Daddy before?(one of the best movies ever)
Would if happen to be Steve?
no not steve.......and I havn't seen big daddy before(I like Adam Sandler so I should)
how about Angus?
"battle-brother fred?".................doesn't sound right.....